
OpenWRT and Traffic Monitor

A nice way of keeping track of your traffic is vnstat. This beauty is found in the repository of white russian. On the website of the author of vnstat you can find a complete reference of the possibilities of vnstat. Installing the package You can get this fine piece...

OpenWRT and Dynamic DNS

Having the major dynamic DNS services provide me with a domain name for my internet connection, I configured updatedd on my OpenWrt box. I stopped using ez-ipupdate because this application did not seem to pick up the WAN address of my ADSL router, but picked up the address of...

OpenWRT, fwbuilder and wallwatcher

Installing the right packages To get the fwbuilder generated scripts up and running on a OpenWrt powered device, you need to install a few packages. Those packages are found in de standard repository of white russian. The packages you need to install from that repository are ip_2.6.11-050330-1_mipsel.ipk, iptables-mod-extra_1.3.3-2_mipsel.ipk and...

Fediverse and WordPress

What is it? ActivityPub is the glue or the oil, if you like, for the Fediverse. It glues all the services together in the Fediverse. It lets mastodon servers communicate with each other, but it also lets Pixelfed talk with mastodon and vice versa. All the social media that...

Adding Mergerfs To Your Synology

(Psssst…. TLDR?… fast forward to “The Implementation” below) What is it? mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs. Why would you do it? Adding Mergerfs to your Synology could benefit you when you have...

Pretty Good Privacy with

I used PGP back in the 90’s just because it was possible. The internet was growing and my friends and I liked to experiment in those days with all that we found on the internet. PGP was one of those things. We had great fun back then but never...