
OpenWRT and Common Internet File System (CIFS)

This protocol is based on the widely used samba protocol. CIFS is a network protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports, and other communications between computers. I gonna use this protocol to connect my NAS device to my OpenWrt-powered box. Installing the packages To get everything up and running,...

OpenWRT and SNMP bandwidth monitor

I would appreciate it if we could monitor the bandwidth of the network devices in our wrt54gs. To do so, we need SNMP enabled on our device and some kind of application to monitor the snmp messages. I choose PRTG to monitor the SNMP messages sent. Installing the package...

OpenWRT and Snort

Set up snort on OpenWrt After installing the MMC/SD card mod, I have enough room to install snort on my wrt54gs. So, this paper will assume that the package will be set up on the MMC/SD card. Which is mounted on /opt. You can read about setting up the...

OpenWRT and Traffic Monitor

A nice way of keeping track of your traffic is vnstat. This beauty is found in the repository of white russian. On the website of the author of vnstat you can find a complete reference of the possibilities of vnstat. Installing the package You can get this fine piece...

OpenWRT and Dynamic DNS

Having the major dynamic DNS services provide me with a domain name for my internet connection, I configured updatedd on my OpenWrt box. I stopped using ez-ipupdate because this application did not seem to pick up the WAN address of my ADSL router, but picked up the address of...

OpenWRT, fwbuilder and wallwatcher

Installing the right packages To get the fwbuilder generated scripts up and running on a OpenWrt powered device, you need to install a few packages. Those packages are found in de standard repository of white russian. The packages you need to install from that repository are ip_2.6.11-050330-1_mipsel.ipk, iptables-mod-extra_1.3.3-2_mipsel.ipk and...