Fediverse and WordPress

What is it? ActivityPub is the glue or the oil, if you like, for the Fediverse. It glues all the services together in the Fediverse. It lets mastodon servers communicate with each other, but it also lets Pixelfed talk with mastodon and vice versa. All the social media that...

✏️ Afrikaanse exoten

Met een harde klap van de dichtgeslagen massief houten voordeur sta ik binnen. Net op tijd voordat de uit de kluiten gewassen veelvraten een kans krijgen om mijn schamele onderkomen binnen te dringen. Met miljoenen trekken ze door de natuurgebieden en landerijen. Ze zijn op zoek naar voedsel. Ze...


Met de zilte zeewind door onze haren staken we de zeedijk bij Borssele over. Lopend uiteraard want tante had de auto geparkeerd onderaan de dijk. De zon was zo fel en zo heet dat het asfalt gesmolten was en de zolen van onze schoenen bleven plakken aan de zwarte...


De slagen van de klok in de kerktoren gaven aan dat ik opnieuw te laat voor het avondeten zou zijn. Klokkijken was nog niet een van mijn basisbekwaamheden in die tijd. Ik had van mijn ouders wel een mooi duikhorloge gekregen. Daar zat zo’n handige ring op die moeders...

Adding Mergerfs To Your Synology

(Psssst…. TLDR?… fast forward to “The Implementation” below) What is it? mergerfs is a union filesystem geared towards simplifying storage and management of files across numerous commodity storage devices. It is similar to mhddfs, unionfs, and aufs. Why would you do it? Adding Mergerfs to your Synology could benefit you when you have...

Choosing your Python editing weapon

Well a few days passed since I got a micro:bit… Started out with MakeCode to play around with it, but the goal was python. For this I switched to mu-editor at first. A great editor… I like the check en tidy function. But I missed the simulator I had...

Starbit Commander II

Well on my quest to learn python, I poked and peeked around on the web of inters. And came across some nice sites about the micro:bits, projects and coding. One site inspired me to create a python version of Starbit Commander. This site is home to a lot of...

Micro:bit Fireflies

My first attempt to write some (micro)Python code. Fireflies. This leds simulate fireflies in the air… btw. I found that display.get_pixel does not return the correct value for the brightness of a led on a micro:bit. I created this function to correct this behavior in the code (fixPixelBug). https://github.com/marc0janssen/microbit-fireflies/blob/main/fireflies%20v2.py

Simple Simon Says

The game Simon in the late 70’s was maybe the first “computer” game I played. Well maybe it was a real computer. I was just a kid, but the game stayed always with me. In my mind that is. The game was from a friend and we played it...

Starbit Commander

This game is my first coding for The BBC Micro:bit. The goal is to have a nice target to practice and learn microPython on this device. But first I wanted to have a go on the makeCode editor for the Micro:bit. I made this simple little game. Flying a...